Part C

Geology of Another Planet

As you will discover in the coming weeks, other bodies in our Solar System have cool geology, too. And where there's geology, a geologic map isn't far behind! Like their terran counterparts, geologic maps of extraterrestrial worlds display information about rock composition and age, and usually lots of other interesting information as well. We will look more closely at the Tharsis region on Mars, an area that boasts the largest volcanoes in the Solar System (see Figure 3-5).

Ascraeus Mons photo

Ascraeus Mons topo

Ascraeus Mons geo

Figure 3-5. Ascraeus Mons, one of the giant volcanoes of the Tharsis region on Mars. At 18,209 m (almost 60,000 feet!) elevation, Ascraeus Mons is the second highest volcano on Mars, after Olympus Mons at 21,171 m elevation

Geologic Map of the Tharsis Quadrangle, Mars

Answer Quiz Me! questions C31 through C45 using the Geologic Map of the Tharsis Quadrangle, Mars (see the PDF link below).

Geologic Map of the Tharsis Quadrangle, Mars



General Info

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Quiz Me! / C31 


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Quiz Me! / C32



Map Scale

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Quiz Me! / C33


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Quiz Me! / C34 



Geologic Map

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Quiz Me! / C35


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Quiz Me! / C36 


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Quiz Me! / C37 


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Quiz Me! / C38  


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Quiz Me! / C39 


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Quiz Me! / C40 


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Quiz Me! / C41 


Description of Map Units 

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Quiz Me! / C42  


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Quiz Me! / C43 


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Quiz Me! / C44  


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Quiz Me! / C45