Part C

Estimating Crater Depth

A simple, but useful relationship can be used to determine the depth of craates and the height of mountain peaks. How can we determine the depth of some craters from far above a planet's surface? One technique involves simple trigonometry (the study of triangles).

Lunar crater depth map

Figure 8-4. The eastern edge of Mare Imbrium.

Craters and peaks: A = Aristillus, B = Autolycus, C = Archimedes, D = Theaetetus, and G = Cassini. Peaks: E = Mons Piton and F = Montes Spitzbergen.


A crater's depth can be determined if the following are known: 1) the length of the shadow cast by the crater rim and 2) the angle of incoming light, as shown in Figure 8-5 below:

Lunar crater depth trig

Figure 8-5. Estimating the crater depth using simple trigonometry.


The following formula describes this relationship:

h = L * TANα

where h = depth of the crater, L = length of the shadow, and α = the angle of incoming light.


Use the infromation in Figures 8-4 and 8-5 to answer Quiz Me! questions C26 through C30.

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Quiz Me! / C26


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Quiz Me! / C27


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Quiz Me! / C28


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Quiz Me! / C29


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Quiz Me! / C30