Part A

Lunar Basics

Let's get started by looked at some of the physical characteristics of Earth's Moon.

Earth and Moon

Earth - Moon distance to scale

Figure 8-2. Earth and it's moon.

At top, the Earth and Moon as seen by the Galileo spacecraft on its way to Jupiter in 1992 (NASA).
The Earth-Moon system with the sizes and distances to scale (bottom).


Refer to the Wikipedia's Moon web page to answer Quiz Me! questions A01 through A10.

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Quiz Me! / A01


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Quiz Me! / A02


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Quiz Me! / A03


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Quiz Me! / A04



Quiz Me! questions A05 through A10 involve the labeling lunar surface features. See the lunar mare diagram in the "Volcanic Features" section or see the location map HERE.

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Quiz Me! / A05


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Quiz Me! / A06


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Quiz Me! / A07


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Quiz Me! / A08


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Quiz Me! / A09


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Quiz Me! / A10