Part D

Geology of the Rhyolite Cliffs

One additional feature since the previous lab's sequence diagram is a lava flow, which may look similar to a sill since both may follow the layering of other rocks. However, lava flows typically have a "baked zone" on the bottom of the unit, but not on the top. This is different than with sills, which have "baked zones" all around their margins (both top and bottom).

Rhyolite Cliffs sequence diagram

Figure 6-10. The Rhyolite Cliffs geologic sequence diagram.

Click HERE for a printable PDF version of the sequence diagram.


Quiz Me! questions D46 through D50 refer to the Rhyolite Cliffs sequence diagram (Figure 6-10). If necessary, you can print a hard-copy of the diagram (see the link above). Also refer to the Key to Map Fill Patterns (click HERE for a printable PDF version).

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Quiz Me! / D46


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Quiz Me! / D47


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Quiz Me! / D48


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Quiz Me! / D49


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Quiz Me! / D50

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