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Class Schedule

Lecture course content and assessments are accessed via the Canvas course website and are available each week from 12 p.m. Wednesday to midnight Sunday. Labs and lab quizzes are conducted on campus every Monday 10:30-1:00 p.m.
Also be sure to check out the What-to-Know Lists for each week.

Weekly Availability

Course Material, Geo Summaries, Lab Activities, & Quizzes


8/19/24 & 8/21/24

Getting Started
Lecture Notes
> What is Geology All About?
> "Scientific" Thinking
Geo Articles
> Crichton, M. (2003, January). Aliens Cause Global Warming, Caltech Michelin lecture, 8 pp.
> Gwynne, P. (1978, April). The Cooling World, Newsweek, 64.
> Abbey, E. (1977). Chapter 8 - Come On In, The Journey Home: Some Words in Defense of the American West, 85-88.
Geo Videos
> Down to Earth (Earth Revealed #1)
> Birth of a Theory (Earth Revealed #5)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 01 - Getting Started
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 01 / Geo Article Quiz 01 / Geo Video Quiz 01
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 01 - Introduction to Physical Geology Lab
> Lab Activity 02 - Topographic Maps I
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 01

8/26/24 & 8/28/23

Understanding Our Active Planet
Lecture Notes
> Earth's Interior
> Plate Tectonics
Geo Articles
> Naeye, R. (2018, March). Earth's Changing Magnetic Field, Sky & Telescope, 16-21.
> Tarduno, J. (2008, January). Hot Spots Unplugged, Scientific American, 88-89.
Geo Videos
> Earth's Interior (Earth Revealed #3)
> Plate Dynamics (Earth Revealed #6)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 02 - Understanding Our Active Planet
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 02 / Geo Article Quiz 02 / Geo Video Quiz 02
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 03 - Topographic Maps II
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 02

9/2/24 & 9/4/24

(Labor Day)

Telling Geologic Time
Lecture Notes
> Relative Geologic Dating
> Isotopic Dating
Geo Articles
> Talcott, R. (2008, May). Earth's Troubled Adolescence, Astronomy, 32-37.
> Reynolds, S., et. al. (2013, Dec). The Geologic Exploration of Arizona, Arizona Geology Magazine, 3 pp.
> Labrador, D. (2002, September). From Instantaneous To Eternal, Scientific American, 56-57.
Geo Videos
> Geologic Time (Earth Revealed #10)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 03 - Telling Geologic Time
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 03 / Geo Article Quiz 03 / Geo Video Quiz 03
Lab Activity
> NO LAB (Labor Day)
Lab Quiz
> NO LAB QUIZ (Labor Day)

9/9/24 through 9/11/24

Geology's Building Blocks
Lecture Notes
> Elements & Molecules
> Minerals
Geo Articles
> Hazen, R. (2010, March). Evolution of Minerals, Scientific American, 58-65.
> Alleman, J. and Mossman, B. (2007, July). Asbestos Revisited, Scientific American, 70-75.
> Fischetti, M. (2003, March). Rock Clock, Scientific American, 98-99.
Geo Videos
> Hunting Elements (NOVA)
> Minerals (Earth Revealed #12)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 04 - Geology's Building Blocks
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 04 / Geo Article Quiz 04 / Geo Video Quiz 04
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 04 - Geologic Maps
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 03
Extra Credit
> Elements & Minerals crossword puzzle

9/16/24 & 9/28/24

From Hades to Eruption
Lecture Notes
> Igneous Processes
> Igneous Rocks
Geo Articles
> Coffin, M., & Eldholm, O. (1993, January). Large Igneous Provinces, Scientific American, 42-49.
> Alt, D. and Hyndman, D. (2000). Sierra Nevada Granite Batholith, Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California, 17-22.
> Hopkins, R. (2002). Hike 44 - Ship Rock, Hiking the Southwest's Geology: Four Corners Region, 234-237.
Geo Videos
> Intrusive Igneous Rocks (Earth Revealed #14)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 05 - From Hades to Eruption
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 05 / Geo Article Quiz 05 / Geo Video Quiz 05
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 05 - Plutonic Rocks
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 04
Extra Credit
> Igneous Rocks crossword puzzle

9/23/24 & 9/25/24

Look Out - It's Gonna Blow!
Lecture Notes
> Igneous Intrusions
> Volcanoes
Geo Articles
> Bindeman, I. (2006, June). Secrets of Supervolcanoes, Scientific American, 36-43.
> Williams, S. and Montaigne, F. (2001). Surviving Galeras, Prologue, 1-11.
> Duffield, W. (1997). Chapter 3, The Story of Sunset Crater (in Volcanoes of Northern Arizona), 31-37.
Geo Videos
> Volcanism (Earth Revealed #13)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 06 - Look Out - It's Gonna Blow!
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 06 / Geo Article Quiz 06 / Geo Video Quiz 06
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 06 - Volcanic Rocks
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 05
Extra Credit
> Volcanism crossword puzzle

9/30/24 & 10/2/24

From Sediment to Hard Rock
Lecture Notes
> Weathering & Sediment
> Sediment & Sedimentary Structures
> Sedimentary Rocks
Geo Articles
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2007). Jewel of the Southwest: Antelope Canyon, Geology Underfoot in Northern Arizona, 53-63.
> Rogers, R. and Krause, D. (2007, February). Tracking an Ancient Killer, Scientific American, 42-51.
> Mack, W. & Leistikow, E. (1996, August). Sands of the World, Scientific American, 62-67
> Collins, M. (2003, January). What is Quicksand?, Scientific American, 95.
Geo Videos
> Weathering & Soils (Earth Revealed #15)
> Sedimentary Rocks (Earth Revealed #17)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 07 - From Sediment to Hard Rock
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 07 / Geo Article Quiz 07 / Geo Video Quiz 07
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 07 - Sedimentary Rocks
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 06
Extra Credit
> Sedimentary Rocks crossword puzzle

10/7/24 & 10/9/24

How Rocks Get Baked & Smeared
Lecture Notes
> Metamorphism
> Metamorphic Rocks
Geo Articles
> Williams, F. and Chronic, H. (2014). Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (in Roadside Geology of Colorado), 252-256.
> Lucchitta, I. (2001). Hike 23: Four Peaks, Amethyst, and Browns Trails, Hiking Arizona's Geology, 167-169.
Geo Videos
> Metamorphic Rocks (Earth Revealed #18)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 08 - How Rocks Get Baked & Smeared
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 08 / Geo Article Quiz 08 / Geo Video Quiz 08
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 08 - Metamorphic Rocks
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 07
Extra Credit
> Metamorphic Rocks crossword puzzle

10/14/24 & 10/16/24

Crustal Contortions
Lecture Notes
> Structural Geology
> Mountains of the World
Geo Articles
> Williams, F. and Chronic, H. (2014). Ranges Folded and Faulted, Roadside Geology of Colorado, 108-116.
> Lucchitta, I. (2001). Hike 19: Barnhardt Trail, Hiking Arizona's Geology, 150-155.
Geo Videos
> Earth's Structures (Earth Revealed #8)
> Mountain-building (Earth Revealed #7)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 09 - Crustal Contortions
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 09 / Geo Article Quiz 09 / Geo Video Quiz 09
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 09 - Structural Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 08
Extra Credit
> Geologic Structures crossword puzzle

10/21/24 & 10/23/24

It's Only Rock & Roll
Lecture Notes
> Earthquakes
> Major Earthquake Events
Geo Articles
> Geist, E., Titov, V., and Synolakis, C. (2006, January). Tsunami: Wave of Change, Scientific American, 56-63.
> Fischetti, M. (2004, October). Shock Absorbed, Scientific American, 102-103.
Geo Videos
> Earthquakes (Earth Revealed #9)
> Tsunami (How the Earth Was Made #9)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 10 - It's Only Rock & Roll
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 10 / Geo Article Quiz 10 / Geo Video Quiz 10
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 10 - Purgatory Flat I (field exercise)
Lab Quiz

10/28/24 & 10/30/24

Lecture Notes
> The Sea Floor
> Ocean Islands
Geo Articles
> Malahoff, A. (1998). Pacific Ocean: An Island is Born, Scientific American Presents, 98-99.
> Pratson, L. and Haxby, W. (1997, June). Panoramas of the Sea Floor, Scientific American, 82-87.
Geo Videos
> The Sea Floor (Earth Revealed #4)
> Hawaii (How the Earth Was Made #12)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 11 - Waterworld
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 11 / Geo Article Quiz 11 / Geo Video Quiz 11
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 10 - Purgatory Flat II
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 9

11/4/24 & 11/6/24

Arizona's Geology
Lecture Notes
> Arizona Geology
> Geology of the Grand Canyon
Geo Articles
> Kring, D. (2006, August). Blast from the Past, Astronomy, 46-51.
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2004). Hike 4 - South Kaibab Trail, Hiking Grand Canyon's Geology, 114-124.
> Lucchitta, I. (2001). Hike 25: Peralta Canyon Trail, Hiking Arizona's Geology, 174-179.
Geo Videos
> The Grand Canyon (How the Earth Was Made #14)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 12 - Arizona's Geology
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 12 / Geo Article Quiz 12 / Geo Video Quiz 12
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 12 - Arizona Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 10

11/11/24 & 11/13/2424

(Veterans Day)

Breakin' It Down
Lecture Notes
> Mass Wasting
> Energy Resources
> Mineral Resources
Geo Articles
> Braxton-Little, J. (2010, July) Clean Energy from Filthy Water, Scientific American, 64-69.
> Hosford, W. and Duncan, J. (1994, September). The Aluminum Beverage Can, Scientific American, 48-53.
> Fischetti, M. (2006, June). Carbon Hooch, Scientific American, 88-89.
> Fischetti, M. (2002, July). Turn Turn Turn, Scientific American, 86-87.
Geo Videos
> Mass Wasting (Earth Revealed #16)
> From Rock to Rod (BHP Copper)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 13 - Breakin' It Down
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 13 / Geo Article Quiz 13 / Geo Video Quiz 13
Lab Activity
> NO LAB (Veterans Day)
Lab Quiz
>NO LAB QUIZ (Veterans Day)

11/18/24 & 11/20/24

Water Seen & Unseen
Lecture Notes
> Streams
> Groundwater
> Caves
Geo Articles
> Marks, J. (2007, March). Down Go the Dams, Scientific American, 66-71.
> Harris, A. and Tuttle, E. (1984) Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Geology of National Parks, 474-483.

> Fischetti, M. (2006, February). Into the Breach, Scientific American, 92-93.

> Fischetti, M. (2006, September). Tall Task, Scientific American, 116-117.
Geo Videos
> Running Water I (Earth Revealed #19)
> Groundwater (Earth Revealed #21)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 14 - Water Seen & Unseen
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 14 / Geo Article Quiz 14 / Geo Video Quiz 14
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 13 - Geology of the Grand Canyon
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 11
Extra Credit
> Streams & Groundwater crossword puzzle

11/25/24 & 11/27/24

Fire & Ice
Lecture Notes
> Deserts
> Glaciers & Ice Ages
Geo Articles
> Nori, F., Sholtz, P., and Bretz, M. (1997, September). Booming Sand, Scientific American, 84-89.

> Abbey, E. (1977). Death Valley (in A Journey Home: Some Words in Defense of the American West), 71-84.

> Alley, R. and Bender, M. (1998, February). Greenland Ice Cores, Scientific American, 80-85.
Geo Videos
> Wind, Dust, & Deserts (Earth Revealed #22)
> Glaciers (Earth Revealed #23)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 15 - Fire & Ice
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 15 / Geo Article Quiz 15 / Geo Video Quiz 15
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 14 - Economic Minerals & Mining
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 13
Extra Credit
> Deserts & Glaciers crossword puzzle

12/2/24 & 12/4/24

All Good Things ...
Lecture Notes
> Shorelines
> Planetary Science
Geo Articles
> Andrews, B. (2018, August). The Red Planet Revealed, Astronomy, 24-26.

> Kruesi, L. (2018, March). Cassini Unveils Saturn, Astronomy, 20-27.

> Beatty, J. (2016, October). Pluto's Amazing Story, Sky & Telescope, 14-21.
Geo Videos
> Waves, Beaches, & Coasts (Earth Revealed #24)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 16 - All Good Things ...
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 16 / Geo Article Quiz 16 / Geo Video Quiz 16
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 15 - Knowledge Haloes
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 13
Extra Credit
> Terms & Favorites

(M 9:00-10:50 a.m.)

> Knowledge Haloes