GLG 102IN SyllabusGLG 102IN Schedule Learning Nexus Canvas Leighty Main MCC Main
Class Schedule

Course content and assessments are accessed via the Canvas course website and are available each week from 6 am Saturday to midnight Thursday. Also be sure to check out the What-to-Know Lists for each week.

Weekly Availability

Course material, Geo Summaries, Lab Activities, & Quizzes


8/19/23 through 8/24/23

Getting Started
Lecture Notes
> Introduction to Historical Geology
> A Brief History of Geology
Geo Articles
> Crichton, M. (2003, January). Aliens Cause Global Warming, Caltech Michelin lecture, 8 pp.
Geo Videos
> Building a Dinosaur from a Chicken (TED Talks)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 01 - Getting Started
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 01 / Geo Article Quiz 01 / Geo Video Quiz 01
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 01 - Introduction to Historical Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 01

8/26/23 through 8/31/23

The Big Picture
Lecture Notes
> Plate Tectonics
> Earth's Surface
Geo Articles
> Dorminey, B. (2013, July). Is Plate Tectonics Necessary for Sentient Life?, Sky & Telescope, 18-23.
> Haddock, E. (2008, October). Birth of an Ocean, Scientific American, 60-67.
Geo Videos
> Earth's Interior (Earth Revealed #3)
> Plate Dynamics (Earth Revealed #6)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 02 - The Big Picture
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 02 / Geo Article Quiz 02 / Geo Video Quiz 02
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 02 - Map Reading Made Easy
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 02

9/2/23 through 9/7/23

The Geologic Dating Game
Lecture Notes
> Relative Geologic Dating
> Absolute Geologic Dating
Geo Articles
> York, D. (1993, February). The Earliest History of the Earth, Scientific American, 90-96.
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2004). Rock of Ages: Geologic Time, Hiking Grand Canyon's Geology, 277-281.
> Lucchitta, I. (2001). Geologic Time, Hiking Arizona's Geology, 18-19.
> Labrador, D. (2002, September). From Instantaneous To Eternal, Scientific American, 56-57.
Geo Videos
> Geologic Time (Earth Revealed #10)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 03 - The Geologic Dating Game
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 03 / Geo Article Quiz 03 / Geo Video Quiz 03
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 03 - Geologic Dating
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 03

9/9/23 through 9/14/23

From the Fires of Vulcan
Lecture Notes
> Igneous Rocks & Processes
> Intrusions & Volcanoes
Geo Articles
> Coffin, M., & Eldholm, O. (1993, January). Large Igneous Provinces, Scientific American, 42-49.
> Bindeman, I. (2006, June). Secrets of Supervolcanoes, Scientific American, 36-43.
> Priest, S., et. al. (2002). Red Mountain Volcano, USGS Fact Sheet 024-02, 4 pp.
Geo Videos
> Yellowstone (How the Earth Was Made #8)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 04 - From the Fires of Vulcan
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 04 / Geo Article Quiz 04 / Geo Video Quiz 04
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 04 - Igneous Rocks
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 04

9/16/23 through 9/21/23

The Work of Wind, Water, & Ice
Lecture Notes
> Sedimentary Rocks & Processes
> Stratigraphy
Geo Articles
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2007). How to Carve a Totem Pole, Geology Underfoot in Northern Arizona, 78-91.
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2007). Beauty All Around Me, With It I Wander, Geology Underfoot in Northern Arizona, 120-133.
Geo Videos
> Sahara (How the Earth Was Made #17)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 05 - The Work of Wind, Water, and Ice
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 05 / Geo Article Quiz 05 / Geo Video Quiz 05
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 05 - Sediment & Sedimentary Rocks
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 05

9/23/23 through 9/28/23

Lecture Notes
> Life Forms & Mass Extinctions
> Fossils
Geo Articles
> Trefil, J. and O'Brien-Trefil, W. (2009, September). The Day Earth Came to Life, Astronomy, 24-29.
> Novacek, M., Norell, M., McKenna, M., and Clark, J. (1994, December), Fossils of the Flaming Cliffs, Scientific American, 60-69.
> Thomas, D. & Farlow, J. (1997, December). Tracking a Dinosaur Attack, Scientific American, 74-79.
Geo Videos
> Evolution Through Time (Earth Revealed #11)
> Chased By Sea Monsters
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 06 - Critters!
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 06 / Geo Article Quiz 06 / Geo Video Quiz 06
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 06 - Life Forms & Fossils
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 06

9/30/23 through 10/5/23

Nothing Endures But Change
Lecture Notes
> Metamorphic Rocks & Processes
> Deformation & Geologic Structures
Geo Articles
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2007). Continent Under Construction, Geology Underfoot in Northern Arizona, 217-232.
> Diggonnet, M. (1997). Stretched-Pebble Canyon, Hiking Death Valley, 394-398.
Geo Videos
> The Rockies (How the Earth Was Made #19)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 07 - Nothing Endures But Change
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 07 / Geo Article Quiz 07 / Geo Video Quiz 07
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 07- Metamorphic Rocks & Strucutral Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 07

10/7/23 through 10/12/23

When Earth Was Young
Lecture Notes
> The Hadean Eon
> The Archean Eon
Geo Articles
> Trefil, J. (2007, December). Earth's Fiery Start, Astronomy, 32-37.
> Valley, J. (2005, October). A Cool Early Earth? Scientific American, 58-65.
> Simpson, S. (2003, April). Questioning the Oldest Signs of Life, Scientific American, 70-77.
Geo Videos
> Birth of the Earth (How the Earth Was Made #16)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 08 - When Earth Was Young
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 08 / Geo Article Quiz 08 / Geo Video Quiz 08
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 08 - Hadean & Archean Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 08
Extra Credit
> Hadean & Archean crossword puzzle

10/14/23 through 10/19/23

The Longest Eon
Lecture Notes
> The Paleoproterozoic Era
> The Mesoproterozoic Era
> The Neoproterozoic Era
Geo Articles
> Trond H. Torsvik, T. (2003, May). The Rodinia Jigsaw Puzzle, Science, 1379-1381.
> Hoffman, P. & Schrag, D. (2000, January). Snowball Earth. Scientific American, 68-75.
> Bottjer, D. (2005, August). The Early Evolution of Animals. Scientific American, 42-47.
Geo Videos
> Snowball Earth: How the Planet Froze and Lived to Tell
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 09 - The Longest Eon
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 09 / Geo Article Quiz 09 / Geo Video Quiz 09
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 09 - Proterozoic Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 09
Extra Credit
> Proterozoic crossword puzzle

10/21/23 through 10/26/23

Water World
Lecture Notes
> The Cambrian & Ordovician Periods
> The Silurian & Devonian Periods
Geo Articles
> Dalziel, I. (1995, January). Earth Before Pangea. Scientific American, 58-63.
> Clack, J. (2005, December). Getting a Leg Up on Land. Scientific American, 100-107.
> Amos, J. (2010, January). Fossil tracks record 'oldest land-walkers'. BBC News Online.
Geo Videos
> Water Dwellers (Before the Dinosaurs - Walking With Monsters #1)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 10 - Water World
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 10 / Geo Article Quiz 10 / Geo Video Quiz 10
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 10 - Early Paleozoic Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 10
Extra Credit
> Early Paleozoic crossword puzzle

10/28/23 through 11/2/23

The Rise of Reptiles
Lecture Notes
> The Mississippian & Pennsylvanian Periods
> The Permian Period
Geo Articles
> Erwin, D. (1996, July). The Mother of Mass Extinctions, Scientific American, 72-78.
> Campbell, I., Czamanske, G., Fedorenko, V., Hill, R., and Stepanov, V. (1992, December). Synchronism of the Siberian Traps and the Permian-Triassic Boundary, Science, 1760-1763.
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2007). Journey to an Ancient Shoreline, Geology Underfoot in Northern Arizona, 92-105.
Geo Videos
> Reptile Beginnings (Before the Dinosaurs - Walking With Monsters #2)
> Clash of Titans (Before the Dinosaurs - Walking With Monsters #3)
> Earth's Deadliest Eruption (How the Earth Was Made #24)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 11 - The Rise of Reptiles
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 11 / Geo Article Quiz 11 / Geo Video Quiz 11
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 11 - Late Paleozoic Geology
> Lab Quiz 11
Extra Credit
> Late Paleozoic crossword puzzle

11/4/23 through 11/9/23

The Lost World
Lecture Notes
> The Triassic Period
> The Jurassic Period
Geo Articles
> Abbott, L. and Cook, T. (2007). Triassic Time Capsule, Geology Underfoot in Northern Arizona, 202-216.
> Perkins, S. (2013, March). Triassic Extinction Tied to Massive Lava Spills, Nature News, 2 pp.
> Motani, R. (2000, December). Rulers of the Jurassic Seas, Scientific American, 52-59.
Geo Videos
> New Blood (Walking With Dinosaurs #1)
> Time of the Titans (Walking With Dinosaurs #2)
> Cruel Sea (Walking With Dinosaurs #3)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 12 - The Lost World
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 12 / Geo Article Quiz 12 / Geo Video Quiz 12
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 12 - Triassic & Jurassic Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 12
Extra Credit
> Triassic & Jurassic crossword puzzle

11/11/23 through 11/16/23

Creature Feature
Lecture Notes
> The Cretaceous Period
> The KT Mass Extinction
Geo Articles
> Horner, J., Padian, K., and de Ricqlès, A. (2005, July). How Dinosaurs Grew So Large, and So Small, Scientific American, 56-63.
> Erickson, G. (1999, September). Breathing Life into Tyrannosaurus rex, Scientific American, 42-49.
> Bakker, R. (1986). Twilight of the Dinosaurs, from The Dinosaur Heresies, 12 pp.
Geo Videos
> Giant of the Skies (Walking With Dinosaurs #4)
> Spirits of the Ice Forest (Walking With Dinosaurs #5)
> Death of a Dynasty (Walking With Dinosaurs #6)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 13 - Creature Feature
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 13 / Geo Article Quiz 13 / Geo Video Quiz 13
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 13 - Cretaceous Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 13
Extra Credit
> Cretaceous crossword puzzle

11/18/23 through 11/23/23

The Rise of Mammals
Lecture Notes
> The Paleogene Period
> The Neogene Period
Geo Articles
> Wong, K. (2002, May). The Mammals that Conquered the Seas, Scientific American, 70-79.
> Marshall, L. (1994, February). The Terror Birds of South America, Scientific American, 90-95.
> Gibbons, A. (2009, December). Ardipithecus ramidus, Science, vol. 326, 1598-1599.
Geo Videos
> New Dawn (Walking With Prehistoric Beasts, #1)
> Whale Killer (Walking With Prehistoric Beasts #2)
> Land of Giants (Walking With Prehistoric Beasts #3)
> Next of Kin (Walking With Prehistoric Beasts # 4)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 14 - The Rise of Mammals
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 14 / Geo Article Quiz 14 / Geo Video Quiz 14
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 14 - Paleogene & Neogene Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 14
Extra Credit
> Paleogene & Neogene crossword puzzle

11/25/23 through 11/30/23

The Age of Ice
Lecture Notes
> The Quaternary Period
Geo Articles
> Wong, K. (2009, August). Twilight of the Neandertals, Scientific American, 32-37.
> Editors (2010, June). Did Neandertals Think Like Us?, Scientific American, 72-75.
Geo Videos
> Sabre Tooth (Walking With Prehistoric Beasts #5)
> Mammoth Journey (Walking With Prehistoric Beasts #6)
> America's Ice Age (How Earth Was Made #25)
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 15 - The Age of Ice
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 15 / Geo Article Quiz 15 / Geo Video Quiz 15
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 15 - Quaternary Geology
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 15
Extra Credit
> Quaternary crossword puzzle

12/2/23 through 12/7/23

Exit Stage Left
Lecture Notes
> Earth's Future
> Human Future
Geo Articles
> Kruesi, L. (2011, June). What Happens When Stars Die?, Astronomy, 32-35.
> Turnbull, M. (2006, October). Where Is Life Hiding? Astronomy, 58-63.
> Kaku, M. (2002). Who Will Inherit the Universe?, Astronomy, 35-38.
Geo Videos
> Life Beyond Earth
Geo Summary
> Geo Summary 16 - Exit Stage Left
Lecture Quizzes
> Lecture Quiz 16 / Geo Article Quiz 16 / Geo Video Quiz 16
Lab Activity
> Lab Activity 16 - Keys to the Past
Lab Quiz
> Lab Quiz 16
Extra Credit
> Terms & Favorites