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Leighty Academic Portal Learning Nexus Canvas Classes Background MCC Main
Geo Video Life Forms

This class includes viewing of a number of different videos about Earth's history and the evolution of its life,
including Chased By Sea Monsters, Walking With Monsters, Walking With Dinosaurs, and Walking With Prehistoric Beasts.
Below is a referenced compilation of the major life forms seen in several of the Geo Videos.

Walking With Prehistoric Beasts
Episode   Life Forms
1 New Dawn Ambulocetus ("walking whale") 1 / 2
Eurotamandua (ant-eating mammal) 1
Gastornis ("terror bird") 1 / 2
Godinotia (primate) 1
Leptictidium (shrew-like mammal) 1 / 2
Propalaeotherium (small early horse) 1 / 2
Titanomyrma (giant ant) 1
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2 Whale Killer Andrewsarchus (large carnivorous mammal) 1 / 2 / 3
Apidium (primate) 1
Basilosaurus (large whale) 1 / 2 / 3
Embolotherium (bony-skulled mammal) 1
Dorudon (small whale) 1
Moeritherium (small, elepahnt-like mammals) 1 / 2
Physogaleus (shark) 1
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3 Land of Giants Chalicotherium (knuckle-walking herbivore) 1
Cynodictis ("bear-dog"; carnivorous mammal) 1
Entelodon (large-bodied, thin-legged mammal) 1
Hyaenodon (carnivorous mammal) 1
Paraceratherium (Indricothere; giant mammal) 1 / 2
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4 Next of Kin Ancylotherium (large herbivore) 1
Australopithecus afarensis (early hominid) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Deinotherium (large elephant-like mammal) 1
Dinofelis (large saber cat) 1
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5 Sabre Tooth Doedicurus (armadillo-like mammal) 1 / 2
Macrauchenia (humpless-camel-like mammal) 1 / 2
Megatherium (giant ground sloth) 1 / 2 / 3
Phorusrhacos ("terror bird") 1 / 2
Smilodon (saber cat) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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6 Mammoth Journey Homo neanderthalis (stocky hominid) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Homo sapiens (slender hominid) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Megaloceros (large deer) 1 / 2 / 3
Panthera leo spelaea (Cave Lion; large cat) 1
Woolly Mammoth (large elephant-like mammal) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Woolly Rhinoceros (large horned mammal) 1 / 2 / 3
Walking With Dinosaurs
Episode   Life Forms
1 New Blood Coelophysis (small bipedal dinosaur) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Peteinosaurus (pterosaur) 1 / 2
Placerias (tusked mammal-like reptile) 1 / 2 / 3
Plateosaurus (large herbivorous dinosaur) 1 / 2
Postosuchus (large thecodont) 1 / 2 / 3
Thrinaxodon (Cynodont) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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2 Time of the Titans Allosaurus (large bipedal dinosaur) 1
Anurognathus (small pterosaur) 1
Brachiosaurus (high-necked sauropod) 1
Diplodocus (low-necked sauropod) 1
Dryosaurus (agile herbivorous dinosaur) 1
Ornitholestes (agile carnivorous dinosaur) 1
Stegosaurus (plated dinosaur) 1
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3 Cruel Sea Ammonite (cephalopod) 1
Cryptoclidus (plesiosaur) 1
Eustreptospondylus (large bipedal dinosaur) 1
Hybodus (shark) 1
Liopleurodon (large marine reptile) 1
Opthalmosaurus (dolphin-like marine reptile) 1
Rhamphorhynchus (small pterosaur) 1
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4 Giant of the Skies Dakotadon (large herbivorous dinosaur) 1
Iberomesornis (small bird) 1
Iguanadon (large herbivourous dinosaur) 1
Ornithocheirus/Tropeognathus (large pterosaur) 1
Polecanthus (armored, spiked dinosaur) 1
Tupandactylus (large-crested pterosaur) 1
Utahraptor (clawed bipedal dinosaur) 1
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5 Spirits of the Ice Forest Australovenator (polar Allosaurus; large bipedal dinosaur) 1
Koolasuchus (large amphibian) 1
Leaellynasaura (herbivorous dinosaur) 1
Muttaburrasaurus (herbivorous dinosaur) 1
Steropodon (egg-laying mammal) 1
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6 Death of a Dynasty Ankylosaurus (armored dinosaur) 1
Araucaria (conifer tree) 1
Deinosuchus (large alligator-like reptile) 1
Didelphodon (small mammal) 1
Dinilysia (snake) 1
Dromaeosaurus (agile bipedal dinosaur) 1
Edmontosaurus (Anatototan; duck-billed dinosaur) 1
Quetzalcoatlus (large pterosaur) 1
Thescelosaurus (bird-like dinosaur) 1
Torosaurus (horned dinosaur) 1
Triceratops (horned dinosaur) 1
Tyrannosaurus (large bipedal dinosaur) 1
Walking With Monsters
Episode   Life Forms
1A Water Dwellers Anomalocaris (marine arthrpod) 1
Haikouichthys (jawless fish) 1
Redlichiida (trilobite) 1
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1B Water Dwellers Brontoscorpio (sea scorpion) 1
Cameroceras (orthocone; giant cephalopod) 1
Cephalaspis (jawless fish) 1
Pterygotus (large sea scorpion) 1
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1C Water Dwellers Hyneria (lobe-finned fish) 1
Hynerpeton (carniverous tetrapod) 1
Stethacanthus ("ironing board" shark) 1
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2A Reptile's Beginnings Arthropleura (large arthropod) 1
Meganeura (large flying insect) 1
Megarachne (eurypterid mistaken for a large spider - mesothelae) 1
Petrolacosaurus (small reptile) 1
Proterogyrinus (large amphibian) 1
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2B Reptile's Beginnings Dimetrodon (large pelycosaur) 1
Edaphosaurus (large pelycosaur) 1
Seymouria (amphibian) 1
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3A Clash of Titans Diictodon (therapsid) 1
Inostrancevia (gorgonopsid; carniverous therapsid) 1
Rhinesuchus (labyrinthodont; amphibian) 1
Scutosaurus (armored reptile) 1
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3B Clash of Titans Euchambersia (Therocephalian; therapsid) 1
Euparkeria (small archosaur reptile) 1
Lystrosaurus (dicynodont therapsid) 1
Proterosuchus (Chasmatosaurus; large archosaur) 1
Chased By Sea Monsters
Episode   Life Forms
1 Cretaceous Archelon (large sea turtle) 1
Elasmosaurus (plesiosaur) 1
Halisaurus (small mosasaurus marine reptile) 1
Hesperornis (large flightless bird)
Pteranodon (pterosaur) 1
Squalicorax (shark) 1
Tylosaurus (large mosasaur marine reptile) 1
Tyrannosaurus (large bipedal dinosaur) 1
Xiphactinus (large fish)
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2 Jurassic Hybodus (shark) 1
Leedsichthys (giant fish) 1
Liopleurodon (giant short-necked plesiosaur) 1
Metriorhyncus (marine crocodile) 1
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3 Pliocene Cetotherium (baleen whale) 1
Megalodon (giant shark) 1
Odobenocetops (tusked whale) 1
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4 Eocene Arsinoitherium (horned mammal) 1
Basilosaurus (large whale) 1
Dorudon (whale) 1
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5 Devonian Bothriolepis (small placoderm) 1
Dunkleosteus (giant placoderm fish) 1
Stethacanthus ("ironing board" shark) 1
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6 Triassic Cymbospondylus (ichthyosaur) 1
Nothosaurus (aquatic reptile) 1
Peteinosaurus (small pterosaur) 1
Tanystropheus (long-necked reptile) 1
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7 Ordovician Cameroceras (giant orthocone) 1 / 2 / 3
Megalograptus (sea scorpion) 1 / 2 / 3
Astraspis (jawless fish) 1 / 2 / 3
Isotelus (trilobite) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5