Part C

Coastal Plain Geology

A broad, low-relief coastal plain extends from the middle Atlantic states to the Gulf Coast. These lowlands have a much different geologic history than the Appalachian or Rocky Mountains.

Geologic Map of the Cape Fear Region

Figure 11-4. The Geologic Map of the Cape Fear Region shows the geology for part of the Mid-Atlantic coastal plain.

Answer Quiz Me! questions C26 through C34 using the Geologic Map of the Cape Fear Region (see the PDF link below). If necessary, you can refer toyour rock identification charts.

Geologic Map of the Cape Fear Region


Big map alert! - open with Adobe Acrobat if there are issues viewing with your web browser.


Map Scale

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 Quiz Me! / C26



Description of Map Units

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Quiz Me! / C27



Geologic Map

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 Quiz Me! / C28


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Quiz Me! / C29


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Quiz Me! / C30


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Quiz Me! / C31


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Quiz Me! / C32


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Quiz Me! / C33


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Quiz Me! / C34